Multiple Champion Jack and Best of Breed winner
Silverado is a small, compact, beautifully conformed jack with a classic head and an outstanding disposition. He is of draft type with substantial bone, a good deep chest and nice straight legs.
His sire is the legendary Desperado of Circle C, a jack who has made his mark in many serious breeding farms across the country. His dam, Sterling Silver, is one of Cooke’s top producers; I tried to buy her yearling daughter at the 2004 Select Sale and had to give up at $12,000.00 when my budget ran out.
Silverado is off to a great start of his own, winning the Canadian Red Deer Jack Futurity Class as a yearling, placing second in the 2 year old jack class at the Calgary Stampede, and taking Reserve Champion Jack honors at the Pacific Crest Show in Central Point, Oregon. In 2006 at this same show he brought home the Best of Breed distinction.He has really stamped his foals, passing on his great legs and head. I am proud to own him. Of all the donkeys on this ranch he is the one that will never leave…. What could he add to your herd?

Silverado’s disposition is incredible. I am so completely in love with him, as can be seen in the photo. This is a candid photo a visitor took of Silverado and me.
This is Silverado and five year old Lexi at the 2010 Horse Expo. He absolutely loves children and is so careful with them. He is my best community service donkey. Everyone is his friend, young and old, and people just love him.

This is Desperado of Circle C. He is Silverado’s sire.
Desperado was famous for many traits that he consistently passed on to his offspring. He could be counted on to influence leg conformation in his foals when crossed with jennets who needed a little help in this area due to their own conformation. He added substantial bone to many of his foals, as is the case in our herd sire Circle C Silverado. He produced his outstanding head and huge ears, and the list goes on. I HIGHLY value this bloodline in our herd.

This is Silverado’s dam, Sterling Silver of Circle C, at 23 years old. Isn’t she beautiful!? She is my favorite jennet.

This lovely foal is BR Pixie Dust, Silverado’s 2011 foal out of Circle C Jessica’s Jewell. She now lives in England.

This is Silverado’s 2011 daughter BR Caley out of 758’s Clarabell as a yearling. This little jennet is soooo elegant.

BR Jerico – Silverado’s 2013 jack foal out of 758’s Clarabell. He is a full sibling to Caley. I hope to drive them as a team someday if I ever find the time to train!